
South Guilford News

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Review of 2020 Presidential Election voting trends in Central SW City of High Point: Precinct H13

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U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Central SW City of High Point: Precinct H13 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 1,417 of the 2,048 residents cast their ballots, resulting in a 69.2% turnout, according to the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE).

The voting breakdown in Central SW City of High Point: Precinct H13 reveals 680 votes supporting Republicans, making up 48% of the total, and 715 votes for Democrats, representing 50.5% of the votes, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 631 registered voters in Central SW City of High Point: Precinct H13 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, there were a total of 2,048 residents in the 18+ age group in Central SW City of High Point: Precinct H13.

The NCSBE oversees elections and campaign finance disclosure in the state.

In October 2023, North Carolina passed a series of laws that will change how elections are administered in the state. The laws include changes to absentee ballot counting, private funding for elections, and voter rolls. The bill is also aimed at eliminating the governor’s power to appoint the State Board of Elections and transfer it to legislative leaders.

2020 Voter Participation in Central SW City of High Point: Precinct H13
NameAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
Aaron G. Davis726 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Aaron John Schimmel708 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Aaron Keith Hudson409 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Aaron Neal Clinard803 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Abigail Johnson Lee402 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Abner Peterson517 Newton Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Adam Brandt Perryman603 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Adam Hamilton May810 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Adam Scott Pranger709 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Adrian William McDonnell705 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ahmed Ismael Ahmed632 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Alex Blackwell Field405 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Alex Kaitlyn McKinney1102 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Alexa Kathleen Keaney1010 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Alexa Rae Southerland611 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Alexander Clarke Folmar708 Delmont Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Alexander M. Rankin1048 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Alexandra Kennerly Bondurant1309 Woodland Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Alexis Milford704 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Alfonso Martinez1107 Orlando Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ali Bahadur504 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Alice Lance Putman715 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Alison Fitzgerald Leitner914 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Allen Eugene Thorson300 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Allen Kurtis Kraft912 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Allen Lance Saunders707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Allison Christian Cheeseman604 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Allison Lane Butler419 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Allison Lea Myers715 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Allyson Bryant Finnegan920 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Allyson Nakina Shelton949 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Alvin Edward Reed700 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amanda Aileen Wilson714 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amanda Anne Wood605 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amanda Branch Covington1035 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amanda Michelle Douglas-Martin500 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amber Dawn Wesson610 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amber Elizabeth Anderson900 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amber Grace Cundiff-Mull635 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amber Michelle Reeves-Daniel1045 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amber Suzanne Groce802 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amelia Christine Satterfield408 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amelia Penland Fuller89 Hillcrest Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amelia Warburton Ward1036 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Aminata Onyema Asahguii411 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Amjad Ali504 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amy Beth Okeeffe922 Country Club Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amy Gerringer Petty207 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amy Jones Swaim406 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amy London Dillingham314 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amy M. Madison611 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amy Michele Kelleher407 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Amy Renee Hutchens108 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Amy Shelley Hawkins826 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Anderson W. Toe513 Newton Place, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Andre Leon Henretta706 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Andrea Elizabeth Walton705 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Andrea Nadeau Brown609 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Andrea Nicole Garlock312 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Andrew Downum Brehm1106 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Andrew Philip Dixson612 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Andrew Wemmer Patton822 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Angela Holloway Brehm1106 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Angela Johnson Lane630 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Angela Rippy Schroeder900 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Angela Turnett Duff211 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ann Archibald Cain918 Country Club Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ann Dillard Spring1008 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ann Haworth Harris1108 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ann Maeve Fleming1107 Hurdover Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ann Myers Miller724 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Anna Christine Timmerman306 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Anna Claire Mullen310 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Anna Elizabeth Lane Cromer801 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Anna Kazanchyan909 Forest Hill Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Anna Parkins Lewis1106 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Anna Smith Lane816 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Anne Marie Trammell904 Colonial Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Anne Welborn Andrews717 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Anthony Joseph Askins703 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Anthony Tyrone Sligh217 N Lindsay Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Arch Kerper Schoch305 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Arch Riddick McMullan701 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Arden Nixon Gurney418 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ariana Monee Wren312 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Arthur Fletcher Bingham1031 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Arthur Jackson102 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Arthur Linville Jones800 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Arthur Steven Wigley901 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Ashley Anne Combs809 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ashley Clayton Tillery1010 Wickliff Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ashley Elizabeth Kearns611 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ashley Michele Rich629 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Ashley Paige Brookes704 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ashley Patrice Curry1009 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ashton Morgan Smith405 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Audrey Marie Barker Hellams803 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Audrica Shapelle Ivery115 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
August Rose Rivera-Gleichman611 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Augustus Green Elliott303 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Austin Blake Tickle1214 Woodland Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Austin Chandler Beck1105 Clyde Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Austin Lee Fields526 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Avery Gaskins Merritt639 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Avis Ostler Murphy700 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Barbara Boyd Williams807 Trenton Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Barbara Davis Garry609 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Barbara Kumm Moreno306 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Becke Blackwell Jones600 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Benjamin Chambers Bailess322 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Benjamin Matthew Stoneking905 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bennjamine Owens Ragland1114 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bernard Thomas102 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bernie Regina Williams605 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Beth Bryan Breece902 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Beth Hedgecock Blake1041 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bettie Boger Spencer1011 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Betty Jo Clary702 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Betty Joyce Hodge701 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Betty Nixon Morgan502 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bettylien Williams Smith708 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Beverly P. Russell623 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Beverly Sue Graham607 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bianaca Letraya Denise Williams217 N Lindsay Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bianca Roxanna-katherine Perez1015 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bianka Ziera Mills1405 Westchester Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Billy James Hawkains955 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Billy James Hawkains955 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Billy Joe Thornton1009 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bobby L. Irvin908 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bonnie Lynn Bednarek803 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bracy Tyrone Jones208 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bradley Jon Stoneking905 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brandon Brooks Johnson806 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brandon Christian Webb81 Hillcrest Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brandon Maurice Taylor504 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brandon Wayne Lenoir1014 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brandy Craig English1005 Holton Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Breanne Virginia Kraft912 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brenda Mathai Elliott613 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brenda Rich Pressley1005 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brendan Locke McColl702 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brett Alan Barbour815 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brett Holt Zimmerman407 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brian Christopher Slocum506 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brian Isaac Wright906 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brian Joseph Boggs814 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brian Theodor Barnett1001 Wickliff Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brie Leclair Reeder1005 Wickliff Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Britney Thomas Burgess807 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brooke Elizabeth Ashby1103 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Brooke Sherman Covington730 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bruce Alan Hirschhaut510 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bruce Norman Hartgrove206 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Bryan H. Noah916 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Byron Foster Clodfelter627 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Caleb Alan Compton617 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Cameron H. Nothoff1002 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Cameron Wray Ledbetter706 Delmont Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Caren Copeland York1033 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Carl Albert Youngdale814 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Carl Rober Wright906 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Carla Allison Johnson1009 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Carlos Shurodd Shipp707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Carlton van Lovette814 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Carmal Elizabeth Pierce Maerlender528 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Carol Jenine Clayton717 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Carola Link709 Delmont Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Caroline Chesley Sedberry605 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Caroline Elisabeth Youngdale814 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Caroline Elizabeth Gibson1001 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Caroline Kristine Giles1307 Woodland Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Caroline Paton Hill500 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Caroline Thomas Zimmerman1051 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Caroline Wall Cottam901 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Carolyn Scheer York1001 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Carrie Lynn Clement1011 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Carroll Thomas Brown606 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Cary Elizabeth Crawford1214 Woodland Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Caryn Hillelson Wright906 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Catherine Corcoran Bencini916 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Catherine Elizabeth Tanner-Harron1014 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Catherine Hunter Burris1009 Oakhurst Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Catherine Lynn Colonna314 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Catherine Ruth Cress509 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Cathy Blair Cline609 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Celeste Coker Payne1040 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Cesar Antonio Bastias Orellana902 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Chad Matthew Collins1007 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Chad Ricky Lewis903 Trenton Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Chamreece Nichole Diggs742 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Chan Laverne Baker308 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Chanel L. Burnett309 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charleigh Madisyn Leck902 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charles Andrew Alt512 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charles Bernard Jordan924 Country Club Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charles Bray Sheffield622 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charles Brian Swaim406 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charles Eugene Ernest Hogan1044 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charles Fernand Schlaeppi820 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charles Hayes Kepley538 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charles Herbert Durham610 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charles Jeffrey Horney915 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charles Joshua Gillon902 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charles Lankford Webb901 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charles Lee Cain918 Country Club Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charles Nicholas Foster629 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Charles Randall Foster629 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charlotte Louise Barrie707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charlotte Schmidt Young1008 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Charlotte Sophia Nowell Dorn209 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Chase Graham Carroll1211 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Chase Ryan Harris1012 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Cherlyn T. Williams943 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Cheryl Lynn Hall900 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Cheyne Terren Iclef808 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Chris White Amos315 Ardmore Circle, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christi Fields Morgan1006 Wickliff Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christian Diaz Garcia905 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Christian Nicole Martin113 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Christian Tyler Ward Bauguss502 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christiane Li705 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christine M. Chidester815 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christine Mcginn Barbour815 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christine V. Gorrell532 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christopher Amile Lott115 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christopher Bond Covington730 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christopher Chad McKinney629 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christopher Jay Vandenbos603 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christopher Lamon White211 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christopher Luis Boyarizo401 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christopher Michael Harrell913 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christopher Rodney Bradley402 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christopher Scott Maerlender528 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christopher Talbot Lown308 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christy Lee Golden517 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Christy Lynn Edwards1011 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Cindi Farlow Kearns1106 Orlando Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Claire Allison Bryson530 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Claire Elizabeth Poindexter800 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Claire Maitland-smith Horney915 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Claire Rose Brinson916 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Clara Mcwhirter Matheny820 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Claude Venice Jones1044 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Clinton Andrew Blalock511 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Clinton Ryan Harrison730 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Clyde Franklin Wood708 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Colin Douglas Merritt639 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Conner Michael Sock1225 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Conni Ann Deighton515 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Connie Hudson Flick321 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Constance Michelle Phillips507 Newton Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Corbin Thomas Waller610 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Corinne Cynthia McDaniel300 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Coulter Hoover Pruitt619 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Courtney Mikola Penley1207 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Craig Hamilton Popalis1100 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Crystal M. Floyd-Oliver903 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Cung Peng Lian1333 Westchester Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Cynthia Ann Cress507 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Cynthia House Rintoul804 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Cynthia Renee Davis726 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Cynthia Toynette Moe920 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Cynthia Wurster Radford620 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Dale Franklin Greer1003 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Dallas Allen Peoples409 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Daniel Adam Leathers705 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Daniel Carl Shafer414 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Daniel John McHale1100 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Daniel Kevin Dale819 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Daniel Moss Burns811 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Daniel Thornton Goldman820 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Danny Allen Bean704 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Danny Ray Mullen1006 Holton Place, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Darlene Spann Thrift800 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Darlene Stanley Hawkins707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Darrell Thomas Owen809 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Darvin Salyers500 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Bee Ashcraft1208 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
David Bryan Howell908 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Carlton Stewart1001 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Edward Millis617 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Hamilton Kiefer600 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Hill707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Joseph Hensel701 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David K. Chilton1113 Clyde Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Kirkman Marshall702 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Lane Harb804 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Larry Frank81 Hillcrest Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Lee Maynard1039 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Leon Stephens403 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Matthew Storniolo535 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Michael Rollins301 Totera Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Niuman Breece902 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Scott Congdon1030 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David Stewart Pierce316 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
David William Braswell304 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Dawn Joann Misenheimer310 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Dawn Marion Hudgins402 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Dawn Williamson Bingham1031 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Debbie Lois Maier504 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Deborah Cecil Chance908 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Deborah Eve Loflin525 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Deborah H. Irvin908 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Deborah L. Aldrich217 N Lindsay Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Deborah Lorraine Ross211 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Deborah Martha Frank81 Hillcrest Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Deborah Rosalie Ross535 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Deborah Wainer Kiziah715 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Debra Jean Pruitt607 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Debra Leigh Reynolds716 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Deidre Day Vandendos603 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Demetria Denise Nelson307 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Denise Evans Cochrane918 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Dennis Edward Andrews911 Trenton Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Derek Michael Cress714 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Derika Nicole Reed811 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Devin Deandre Smith211 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Diamond Laque Smith217 N Lindsay Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Diana Lea Grant626 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Diane Moore Popalis1100 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Dina Marie D'Angelo622 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Dixie Chiles Burns811 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Dominiana Dairai Etrice Burnett309 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Domir Thomas Bergholz309 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Domonique Harris Patrick903 Trenton Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Don Kirkman Wilson914 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Donald Alan Scarborough1108 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Donald Brahauny-kaake Beck911 Trenton Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Donald Eugene Browning508 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Donald Raynosski Cureton943 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Donald Seth Barber614 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Donna G. Kaiser1011 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Donna Hilton Helser627 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Donna Sue Hawks609 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Donna Williams Oberacker830 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Donnie David Rogers109 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Doris V. Smith719 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Dorothy James Johnston907 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Dorothy Lynn Rountree707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Dorothy Thomas Noah916 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Douglas Brian Poole707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Douglas Paul Brown904 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Douglas Pryde Lindner898 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Doyne Jackson Young1008 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Drew Frederick Spring1008 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Dwight Lester Flater804 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ebone Ariel Chavis611 Delmont Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Ebony Teandra Barr700 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Edward Harriss Covington610 Emerywood Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Edward Lockwood Cornwell608 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Edward Olin Kearns1106 Orlando Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Eli James Graham607 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Elisabeth M. Stambaugh900 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Ann Muldoon614 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Ann Nowell209 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Atterbury Fisher1009 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Brooks Spangle810 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Cameron Hutchins1110 Vera Court, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Elizabeth Coates Crawford809 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Collins Earnst610 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Deal Sebastian1100 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Holland Myers715 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Hoover Pruitt619 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Jackson Workman1200 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Lee Recoulley1200 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Merritt McNeill706 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Upchurch Bowser809 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Watt Finch1204 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elizabeth Wood Sheffield622 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ella Webster1039 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ellen Austin Adzima800 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ellery Martin Allonier906 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ellison Ruth Beaver407 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elmo Ricardo Brown217 N Lindsay Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elsa Rose Karcher898 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Elton Terrell Sanders107 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Emily Alice Gallimore1116 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Emily Garwei Leung1205 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Emily Rachel Bonzheim513 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Emma Grace Holland Pierce316 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Eric Anibal Vasquez313 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Eric Blaine Toler1004 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Eric Christopher Robbian804 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Eric Garliner Georges Hirschhaut510 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Eric James Graham607 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Eric Monroe Clapp320 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Eric Tyler Wiedenhoft619 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Erica Adelle Corns411 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Erica Lane Carriker1008 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ericka Palmer Ramsay725 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Erin Elizabeth Schlaeppi820 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Erin Gail Smith905 Trenton Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Erin Jones Sanders313 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Erin Rae Bass409 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ernest Dwayne Glover516 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ethan Alexander Jones800 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ethan Price Barbour815 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ethel Kathryn Cushwa1104 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Eva Astrom1403 Westchester Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Evan Shaw Blackerby605 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Evan Todd Pinekenstein506 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Evelyn Weerts Cottam901 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Fakhar Haider E. Syed609 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Falaq Naz504 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Faye Vlady625 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Felix Donatien728 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Fernando Alberto Sanchez-Brugal607 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Floyd T. Craven509 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Frank C. Hughes623 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Franklin Harris Wood824 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Franklin Haze Tucker714 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Frederic Fairfield Manget905 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Frederick Clay Mott210 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Fredericka Davis605 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gabrielle Nicole Culler1223 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gail Ann Adams615 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gail E. Sheffield519 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gaither Moore Terrell529 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gary Ashley Land305 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gary Bernard Phaup613 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gary Dennis Haynes719 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Gene Arnold Duncan1012 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Genesis Nesbitt1003 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
George Alfred Webster1026 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
George Bradford Firestine722 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
George Byrum Cooper603 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
George Carl Stalder1012 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
George Mark Smith710 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
George Martin514 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
George Michael Anthony801 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
George William Parham217 N Lindsay Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Georgia Ann McLean953 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Georgia Bryant Howell1114 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gerald Dean Payne1003 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ghalib Khan504 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ginger L. Ramey85 Hillcrest Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ginger Ridge Somers501 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Glenn Edward Chorpening703 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gloria Bason Washington400 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Goley Jock Bailey1003 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Grace Eva Bellamy707 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Grace Lane Fulton Henley1219 W Westwood Avenu, Gastonia, NC 28052Voted
Grayson Alexander Horton812 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gregory Joseph Adzima800 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gregory Lamarr Mebane112 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gregory Leander Hickman611 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gregory Vann York1033 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gretchen Culler Nooe815 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gretchen Morgan Owens800 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Griffin Robert Swaim406 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Guy Ellis Carr804 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Guy Stephen Lucas702 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Gwendolyn Ann Davis1011 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Haleigh Hawthorne Breece902 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Halie Balogh1122 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Hallie Coppedge Hogan1044 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Halsey Macarthur Lane816 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Hannah Walker Collins1011 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Harold Lenwood Davis806 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Harold Lindsay Amos604 Emerywood Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Harold P. Johnson535 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Harold Thomas Jarrell604 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Harry Slade Howell1114 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Harvey Wilson Blakeney707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Heath Hunter Hawkins826 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Heather Clarke Slocum506 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Heather Leigh Pruitt Hoffman1105 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Heather Michelle Calfee627 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Heather Renee Moore604 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Heather Royall Blackerby605 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Helen Lyon Tinsley1108 Clyde Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Helen Palsma Faria84 Hillcrest Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Helen Seay Congdon1030 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Henrietta Daphine Flowers740 W English Road, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Henry Hartzog Dorn904 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Henry Matthew McMullan1021 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Herman Kumm306 N Lindsay Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Herman Webster Zimmerman1051 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Hina Zaman1106 Clyde Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Hobert Conwell Mills605 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Hollie Ann Rose-Galli503 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Holly Allison Davis307 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Hope Gabriel Tucker519 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Houston Tyler Johnston808 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Howard Michael Hedrick530 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Howard Ralph Greeson505 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Howard S. Kurtz1213 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Hubert Lee Putman715 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Hunter Keith Curlee603 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Huster McInnis211 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ina Margene Boorde800 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Indya Tenisha Wilson708 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ira Jene Shapiro1005 Holton Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Irini Aida Khoury822 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Isaac Neil Golden517 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Isabella Rives Kiefer600 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ivy Alexander Ray907 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Jackson Kody Lee625 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jackson Mcilhenny Merritt639 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jackson Parker Leck902 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jaclyn Celia Hirschhaut510 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jaclyn Emily Tennant537 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jacob Myers Breece809 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jacob Orion Wesson610 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jacob Thomas Winder1110 Orlando Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jacqueline Marie Brown1005 Wickliff Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jameelah Arian Frazier953 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Andrew Cockrell617 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Arthur Whitehead945 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Aubrey Williams912 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Carlton Harris409 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
James Clifton Workman611 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James David Earl609 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Earnest Foscue909 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Edward Chambers209 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
James Edward McCollum112 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Edward Ruddock1337 Westchester Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Edward Tinsley1108 Clyde Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Franklin Calfee627 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Franklin Morgan1006 Wickliff Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Franklin Morgan1006 Wickliff Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Garseng Leung1205 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Issac Davis217 N Lindsay Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Jasper Little214 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Keith Curlee603 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Keith Lee625 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Lavorne Quick409 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Martin Myers715 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Michael Smith1114 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Miller Hussey802 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Oneil Faires526 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James P. Nulty706 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Patrick Finnegan920 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Randall May810 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Richard Lee402 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Robert Fairchild503 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James T. Quick707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
James Thomas Anderson900 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Wade Curlee603 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Wesley Webb805 Trenton Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
James Young Trammell904 Colonial Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jamie Michelle Jones700 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jamie Renay Wilson1015 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jamont Hammond309 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jan Morrison Kaley1008 Elk Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jane Louise Nichols1111 Orlando Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jane Meekins Lucas702 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jane Myers Dagmi1024 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jane Paige McClellan822 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Janene Richardson Hawk502 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Janet Chris Whisenant810 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Janet Leonard Millis1300 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Janet Lipscomb Thomas616 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Janet Odaniel Brown801 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Janice B. McMullan701 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Janice Sharon Martin1107 Hurdover Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Janice Wilson Wesson610 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Japeth Wade Murphy700 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jason Andrew Hamstra1019 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jason Bryan Allen409 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Jason Nixon1121 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jason Paul Blackwood604 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jason Paul Gleichman611 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jason Robert Pranger709 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jason Wayne Johnson309 Ardmore Circle, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jayqwan Sincere Artis711 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Jean Culler Early801 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jean Little Freedle311 Ardmore Circle, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jean Warwick Nadeau609 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jeanette Spence Langley704 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jeanne Craycroft Sedberry807 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jeannie Ranell Hagaman618 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jeff Lynn McInturff920 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jeffery Len Webb901 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jeffrey Alan Teuschler804 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jeffrey Demitrius Ellis410 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Jeffrey Lane Cashion900 Colonial Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jeffrey Mark Barlow810 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jeffrey Mark Williams711 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jeffrey Scott Cox606 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jennie Sue Cockerman312 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jennifer Anne Taylor1107 Clyde Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jennifer Elizabeth Firestine722 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jennifer Grace Jenkins1111 Clyde Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jennifer Hollingsworth Cashion900 Colonial Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jennifer Jenkins Younger401 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jennifer Lynn Gorham600 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jennifer M. Davis529 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jennifer Parks Cooper806 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jermane Harper707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Jerone Carter309 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Jerry Coble Cornwell608 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jerry Douglas Ramey85 Hillcrest Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jessica Barker603 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jessica Danielle Deniece Williams939 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jessica Ellen Zenzen311 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jessica Lotus Nelson1016 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jessica Travis Whitten420 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jo Anne Earl919 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joan Baker Kelly708 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joann Dwyer Owings701 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joanne Brosi806 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jodi Shrader Hughes623 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jody Bernard Bowman603 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joe Mills Brinson916 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joel Christian Howard601 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joel David Fingerhut308 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joey Michael Marlowe1007 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Allen King1202 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Arthur Tripp507 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Bradshaw Railey520 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Chesley Sedberry605 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Christopher Mullen310 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Churchill Gorham600 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John David Bryson530 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John David Hamrick604 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John David Hamrick604 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John David Tyler1003 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Dewey Newton612 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Dewey Newton301 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Douglas Howard512 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Estes Stephens720 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Joseph Smith631 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Michael Deighton515 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Nathan Peeler301 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Peter Bachman309 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Phillip Kennett821 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Randall Vaughan906 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Raymond Guy1005 Elk Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John Raymond Loecke1121 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
John William Tate217 N Lindsay Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Johnny Craig McCarn612 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Johnny Mack Johnson707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Johnny Ray Greenwood1107 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Johnsie Johnson Moore707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Jonathan Gann Odom605 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jonathan Rhett Esser702 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jonathan Varrick Bryson530 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joni Michelle Kennedy707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joseph Anthony Woodward401 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joseph Grant Cheek623 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joseph Hubay1202 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joseph S. Lawson1112 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joseph Stebbins Lawson1112 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joshua David Wordes638 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joshua John Adams520 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joshua Samuel Cheek1011 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joshua Shawn Connor524 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joshua Thomas Ridge507 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Joshua Wayne Christopher816 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Jovonne Antowan Pearsall701 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joyce Bokoski Earl609 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joyce Elaine Nichols605 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joyce Juanita Lauder1114 Vera Court, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Joydan Keandria Stover217 N Lindsay Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Juanita Hawkains955 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Juanita Maie Yarborough510 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Judith Ann Smith921 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Judith Jacaruso Stalder1012 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Judith Lynn Johnson514 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Judy Aaron Dillingham314 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Judy Cecile Crisp1003 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Judy Foster Cox806 Delmont Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Julia Elizabeth Perry720 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Julia Fish Price810 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Julia Lauren McDonald730 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Julia Luce Lakhavani1103 Elk Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Julie Greene Perry1024 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Julie Jordan Randle714 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Julie Louise Holcomb527 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Julie Michelle Leck902 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Juliet Teigh Schwab1008 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Julius Alan Ferguson710 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Julius Daniel Rowe906 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Justin Tyler Johnson816 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kaaren Cushwa Haworth309 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kailee Scott Woodward401 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kapria Montasia Carlton506 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Karen Beymer Kepley538 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Karen Peurifoy Chance502 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Karen Suzanne White805 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Karin Maria Delaisse709 Delmont Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kate Huskins Post1227 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Katharine Elizabeth Stoneking905 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Katherine Culler Bennett303 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Katherine Elizabeth Kennedy707 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Katherine Grace Pancho509 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Katherine Harless McMullan1021 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Katherine Harvey Covington610 Emerywood Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Katherine Kearns Maynard1039 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Katherine Mary Trudo1012 Elk Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Katherine Norcorss Bisagni1049 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Katherine Tate Cottam901 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Katherine Varner Shoaf636 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kathey Laws Huntley801 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kathleen Dilley Mabe809 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kathleen F. Rendeiro1112 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kathleen Haggerty Railey520 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kathleen Jane Seymour721 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kathleen Lynch Chorpening703 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kathrine Long May810 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kathryn Congdon Harrell913 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kathryn Davis Powell1013 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kathryn H. Mendenhall505 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kathryn P. Giles1307 Woodland Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kathryn Swing Smith631 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kathy Taylor Burris1114 Orlando Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Katie Victoria Kennett821 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Katlyn Marie Hamm308 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kaylin Maree Mancari608 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Keith Allen Tucker714 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Keith Edward Murphy700 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kelly Ann Wuensch626 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kelly Brooke Howard512 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kelly Elizabeth Stricklin509 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kelly Ferguson Vaughan906 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kelly Tice Johnson615 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kendall N. Guy1005 Elk Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kendall Terese Powell1003 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kenneth Bradley Maxwell612 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kenneth Charles Kroohs700 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kenneth Travis Gulledge312 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kerr Craige Ramsay725 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kevin Arthur Hamlin509 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kevin Chapman Harron1014 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kevin Logan Smith1002 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kevin Patrick Gibson513 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kevin Robert Timm1202 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Keywahn Obrien Tyler912 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kiira Geneva-cornelia Walker1042 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kim Duncan Dansie708 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kim Marie Siebold1009 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kimberley Ann Lea1014 Elk Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kimberly Ann van Dessel1011 Wickliff Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kimberly Benson Kennett821 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kimberly Culler Combs809 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kimberly Danielle Osbern409 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kimberly Duncan Bell601 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kimberly Little Sutphin800 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kimberly Parker Esser702 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kimberly Shay Jones800 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kimberly Southerland Ridge507 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kimberly Venable McGuire1011 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Kirsten Tiare Li-Barber705 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kitchie Deontae Lyles914 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kitty Dare Toth706 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kristen Iclef808 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kristen Marie Lucas217 N Lindsay Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kristin Lynne Boggs814 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kristin Macfarlane Lenoir1014 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kristina Noel Andrews712 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kristina P. Andrews712 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kristine Murray Cox606 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kristyn Jo Angell409 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Krystal Danielle Braswell304 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kurt Robert Daniel1045 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Kyle Boone Trotter514 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Laporsha Dominique McCoy517 Newton Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Larab Zaman1106 Clyde Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Larry Dwight Sechrest1101 Clyde Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Larry Wade Clodfelter604 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lars Yngve Astrom1403 Westchester Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lashaunda Renee Williams1003 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Latasha Anna Orazietti613 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Laura Elizabeth Keeling528 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Laura Jane Simcox1009 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Laura Jo Goldston1116 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Laura Marie Newton612 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Laura Mckenzie Amos901 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Laura Pearson Johnston808 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Laurel Oleary Mancari608 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lauren Abbott-Carter813 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lauren Altieri McClure613 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lauren Ashley Sumrell1013 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lauren Michelle Yacobi Gillon902 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lauren Paige Horner-Erwin406 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Laurie Shelton Levina802 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Laverne Dunlap McLaurin301 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Laverne Merrill Gatlin-Terry1009 Holton Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lawrence Antonio Soares303 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Lawrence Keith Keller1012 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lawrence Raymond Drouillard924 Country Club Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Leah Harmon Bachman309 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Leander M. Koger603 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ledra Cornelia Welch-Walker1042 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lenin Joseph Peters909 Forest Hill Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lenora Jane Walker Hege800 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Leon Alston601 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Leonardo Leo Viera910 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lesa T. Pierce319 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lesle Black Manget905 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Leslie Marie Ashton906 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Leslie S. Grant626 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Leslie Stowe Culp1111 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lessie Mae Hodges112 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Levi Alexander Murphy700 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Levi Anderson Curlee603 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lewellyn Kem Frazier953 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lillian Gatewood Sheffield622 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Linda Cain Robbian804 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Linda Lankford Wigley901 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Linda Lee Golden709 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Linda R. Newton301 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Linda Sink Henretta706 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lindsay Marie Webster614 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lindsey Boswell Carroll1211 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lisa Ann Reed113 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lisa Anne Zukowski537 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lisa Balogh1122 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lisa Marie Mullen310 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lisa Robin Sikkenga900 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Logan Hayes Kepley538 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Logan Wyatt Locklear945 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Lorraine Lambeth Klietsch807 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Louis John Kovach712 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lucius Lamar King607 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Luis Angel Perez511 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Luther Lee Garcia306 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lyl Maclean Clinard803 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lyles Benjamin Webster1039 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lynn Annette Wright532 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lynn Elliott Foscue909 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lynn Levina Fellos602 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lynn Marie Charbonneau706 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Lyvonne Lindsay Ruth616 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
MacY Shea Maness1043 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Madeline Joanne Graham607 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Madison Celeste Radford620 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Maggie Elizabeth Cummings1005 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Maggie Leigh Whitman1109 Clyde Place, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Malee Lyles Webster1026 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Marcia Marcus Anthony801 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Margaret Jo Peterson105 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Margaret Komacek Webb805 Trenton Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Margaret M. Fontana1112 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Maria Rintoul Stonehouse804 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Maria Sturdivant Zimmerman1051 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mariana Qubein1037 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Marie Emma Kumm306 N Lindsay Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Marilyn Ruth Davis1200 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mark Albert Norcross1049 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mark Allen Walsh926 Country Club Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mark Andrew Leitner914 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mark Andrew Penley1207 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mark B. Sheffield519 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mark Charles Held532 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mark Dewayne Jones111 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mark Earl Clark716 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mark Franklin Pierce319 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mark Joseph Warburton1036 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Marlena Ann Overstreet1115 Orlando Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Marlin Yarbrough Foster629 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Martha Burton McCarn612 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Martha Moore Hancock321 Ardmore Circle, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Martin E. Cook700 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mary Albright Craven509 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mary Ann Holman707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Mary Burns Loflin601 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mary Catherine Wheatley908 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mary Cottam Keever1020 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mary Ellen Wheatley908 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mary Gooley Yates701 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mary K. Garland806 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mary Katherine Askins-Knoll703 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mary Kathryn Hocking913 Trenton Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mary Krueger Burgess315 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mary Leigh Ralph407 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mary Linzy Megginson Brewer1112 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mary Roberts Nifong508 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mason Noel Kepley538 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mathew Peter Diaz713 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Matthew Austin McNeill706 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Matthew Banks Cochrane918 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Matthew Delmestri806 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Matthew Edward Zacharias1200 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Matthew Gregory Ridge507 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Matthew Howard Bradner710 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Matthew James Sumrell1013 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Matthew Joseph Hubay638 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Matthew Keith Cromer801 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Matthew Lewis Carpenter806 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Matthew Steven Sikkenga900 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Matthew Wayne Burgess807 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Matthew Zachary Wood605 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mattie Lee Jones211 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Maurice Centel Driscoll409 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Maxine Elaine Flater804 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Maxine Shante Lopez713 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Maygan Marie Yen515 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Meade Todd Palmer1009 Wickliff Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Meghan Lynne Root524 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Melanie Leann Smith613 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Melissa Ann Dicellis910 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Melissa Barnette Hutchinson707 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Melissa Glover516 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Melissa M. K. Odom605 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Melissa Mauney Lawson1112 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Melissa Wood Albany824 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Meredith Anne Root524 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Meredith Battle Roethling415 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Meredith Craig Fuller89 Hillcrest Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Meredith Umberger Williams909 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Merit Adele Daughtry801 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Merritt Nolan Bears609 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Alan Taylor1107 Clyde Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Anthony Rendeiro1106 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Arthur Price823 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Bede McBurnie112 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Brandon McGill505 Newton Place, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Michael Chung-wei Sin320 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Edward Okeeffe922 Country Club Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Girrard Holland102 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Hunter Cushwa309 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Kevin Robbian804 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Len Webb901 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Lynn Brown518 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Mckinley Howell112 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Patrick Knoll703 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Rutledge Beaver407 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Sterling Smith86 Hillcrest Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Sterling Smith534 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Todd Cooper806 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Travis Reeder1005 Wickliff Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michael Wayne Cable613 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michaux Henly Crocker302 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michele Smith Lane816 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michelle D. Trogdon800 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michelle Dick Patterson306 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michelle Dumaguing Boquiron503 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michelle Elaine Crocker302 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michelle Elder Weaver312 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Michelle Hobbs Chapman1205 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Michelle Renee Casey111 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mildred Brown318 Meadow Place, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Milton Hubert Harper505 Newton Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Minnie Lynn Robertson410 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Miranda Pentangelis Bryson530 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mirielle M. Walsh926 Country Club Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mitchell Scott Huntley801 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mitri I. Akel617 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mitzi Christina Bradley402 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mohammad Bilal Khan938 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Molly Lackey Murrow1306 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Monique Genail Little206 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Montanna Swanda Devane517 Newton Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Monzerad Gabrielle Creary501 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Murad Cuachtemoc Creary501 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Mustabshirah Bibi504 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Myla P. Erwin717 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Myles Palmer Webb901 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Myra Leigh Clodfelter604 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Myrtle Odessa Little707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nan Ayers McDonnell705 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nan Ellen Puckett1109 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nancy Baker Dameron706 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nancy Costanzo Simpson908 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nancy Elaine Fauser900 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nancy L. Kester1025 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nancy Laura Smith521 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nancy Lee Martin417 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nancy Lybrook Warburton1036 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nancy Moore Amos604 Emerywood Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nanette Lucas Cornwell719 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Naomi Debra Tatum312 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Natalie Lyn Jacobs704 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Natalie Marie Frith Smith86 Hillcrest Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Natalie Nicole Barrier304 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Natan Arthur Radford620 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nathan Edward Golden517 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nathaniel Foster McKinney1102 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nathaniel Lisenby111 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Nathaniel T. Matthews301 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Neal Richard Geist1003 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Neil Franklin Coleman916 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ngai Lam Cing1333 Westchester Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nicholas Alexander Mull635 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nicholas Franklin Martin500 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nicholas Gerard Zito509 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nicholas Raymond Sojka900 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Nicki Bain Idol711 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nicole Elisabeth Culler1223 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nidal Raji Qubein1037 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nina Douglas Phaup613 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Noah Matthew Ridge507 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Noah Scott Hamrick604 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nolan Connor Stephenson804 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Norah Elizabeth Sutphin800 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Norma Jones Buttke516 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Norman Clay Bolick319 Ardmore Circle, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Norman Constantine White1011 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Norman James Sutphin800 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Normand Theodore Gemme710 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Nurman Wyche916 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Octavia Denise James943 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Olivia Honeycutt Pekkala1030 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Olivia Rives Kiefer600 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Olivia Wigley Webb901 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ollie Tobler Hines1315 Westchester Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Page Huss Curlee603 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Paige Nicole Sheley721 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Paityn Regina Racheal Walker1042 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Pamela Carol Cable613 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Pamela Grimes Hubay1202 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Pamela Jane Lepley806 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Pamela Kay Huggins1207 Country Club Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Pamela Lee Viera910 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Pamela Madaris Hill500 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Patricia Ann Hamlin509 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Patricia Ann Johnson601 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Patricia Creasman Cannady911 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Patricia Doggett Colonna634 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Patricia Lynn Fasnacht609 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Patricia Patterson522 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Patricia Philpott Cooper603 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Patricia S. Sloan300 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Patrick Alan Meisky1001 Oakhurst Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Patrick Aloysius McDonnell705 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Patrick Barton Simcox1009 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Patrick Hayden Harman1214 Woodland Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Patrick Olin Iott802 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Patsy Harrelson Jones909 Trenton Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Patty Kennedy Bremkamp1003 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Paul Brown Johnson514 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Paul David Weipert801 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Paul Dean Thornton912 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Paul Elliott Josephsohn304 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Paula Norris Morgan501 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Paw Kae936 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Paxton David Workman504 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Peggy Joyce Caldwell707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Peggy M. Honeycutt803 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Perren Rives Howard601 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Peter J. Sojka900 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Peter Joseph Dansie708 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Peter Wil Pekkala1030 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Philip Anthony Sedberry807 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Philip Anthony Sedberry807 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Philip Eugene Mills1405 Westchester Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Philip M. Burris1009 Oakhurst Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Philip Robert Skager510 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Philip Smith Nifong508 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Philip Thomasson Thrift800 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Philippe Etienne Duvall800 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Phillip Harper Haworth309 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Phillip Lee Tillery1010 Wickliff Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Phyllis Byerly Thompson210 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Phyllis Herring Oots602 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Prentice Demard Lilly217 N Lindsay Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Puspa Kala Jogi807 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Quatyia Gatlin1009 Holton Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Rachael Holly Anderson706 Delmont Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Rachel Louise Schmitt526 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Rachel Marie Beck1105 Clyde Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ramsey Raji Qubein1037 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Randall Earl Tysinger720 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Randall Leon Phipps111 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Randolph Lee Varner515 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Raquel Ortiz Serrano1106 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Raymond Joshua Nesbitt1003 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Rebecca Faith Chance502 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Rebecca Jones Hawley1026 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Rebecca Mae Sheley721 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Regan Delaney Williams909 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Regina Blyss Allonier906 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Regina Lynn Easter211 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Rena Ritch Norcross1049 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Renay Davis Jackson806 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Renita Yvette Miller112 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Reta Smedley Ostler901 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Rhianna Annette Swinney312 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Rhonda Eckard Guy1005 Elk Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Richard Blair Whisenant810 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Richard Burt Williams909 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Richard C. Tate710 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Richard Cothran Lambeth311 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Richard Delane Brewer1341 Westchester Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Richard Morse Sheffield519 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Richard Pringle Sanders313 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Richard Scott Reynolds716 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Richard Shore Cottam901 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Richard Wayne Price810 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ricky David Overstreet1115 Orlando Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ricky Lyndle Blake1041 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ricky Webber Cornwell719 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Riley Hudson Aldridge1005 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Alton Rostand1310 Woodland Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Benjamin Leck902 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Boyce Hill500 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Byrns Brown1005 Wickliff Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Campbell Mancari608 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Chad Beck617 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert D. Davis605 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Earl Kaiser1011 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Edward Kearns1106 Orlando Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Frank Dalton1018 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Frederick Bowser809 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Gene Matheny820 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert George Culp1111 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert George Culp1111 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Glenn Smith811 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert John Longstreet631 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Jules Allonier906 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert K. French640 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Keith Winkler400 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Kit Woodgeard1101 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert L. Hoover601 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert L. Kester1025 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Laimana Rose1006 Holton Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Lee Madison611 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert M. Bundy804 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Ransom Culler1223 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Sanford Bednarek803 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Steven Rose1004 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Sumner Daughtry801 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert V. French640 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert W. Erwin717 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert Wellington Erwin717 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robert William Westfall626 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Roberta Lynn Powell1003 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robin Hughes Kennedy823 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Robin Johnson Tysinger720 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Rodney Norman Wilson708 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Rodney Wayne Simpson908 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Roger Alan Roberts301 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ronald Fritts Royals317 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ronald Lee Allen206 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ronald Wallace Stevens421 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Roni Jo Osbern409 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ronnie Elliott Thompson210 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Rosemary Cascante Brewer1341 Westchester Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ross Edward Davis307 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ross Nichols Mason1004 Oakhurst Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Royster Milton Tucker917 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Ruby Bradford Smith534 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ruth Fiv Matthews301 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ryan David Gerace1104 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ryan Michael Leard1008 Holton Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ryan Philyaw320 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ryan Tucker Perry1024 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Ryno Brits708 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sabra Marie Spring512 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sabrina Ginnette Goode712 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sabrina Padgett Lewis1103 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sallie Ann Sock1225 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sally Ann Bulla303 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sally Christina Wordes638 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Sally Hunt Faires526 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sam Bryce Gibson319 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Samantha Lynn Hughes623 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sammie Gwendolyn Braxton521 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Samphanh Soxayachanh404 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Samuel Alexander Womack105 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Samuel Elisha Hancock321 Ardmore Circle, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Samuel Graybill Magill504 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Samuel James Baker411 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Samuel Nealson Reed113 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sandra Barnes Cook700 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sandra Bryant Howell1114 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sandra Dewalt Bellamy707 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sandra Golding Bolick319 Ardmore Circle, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sandra M. Rowe906 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sandra S. Ashcraft1208 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sandra Williams Meisky1001 Oakhurst Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sandy Norman Whitman1109 Clyde Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Santolina Prudensio Wani Tombe608 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sara K. French640 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sara White Hartgrove206 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sarah Chipman Jones1044 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sarah Coleman Bean704 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sarah Elizabeth Durham610 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sarah Elizabeth Skeen909 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sarah Faith Amos315 Ardmore Circle, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sarah Jane King1202 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Scott Joseph Trudo1012 Elk Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Scott Joseph Yokeley1007 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sean Gene Zenzen311 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sean Matthew Bridges807 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sergio Omar Ramirez1011 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Shahrenaz Adjoodani701 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Shannon Kaley Earl533 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Shannon Leah Smith620 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Shanquana Letish Kollock941 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sharon B. Haynes719 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Sharon Bowman Savage421 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sharon Demetrice Allen206 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sharon Lee York1308 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sharon Thompson Lee625 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sharon Wagner Wilson914 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Shea Ward Barnett1001 Wickliff Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sheila Saunders Hanson413 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Shelby Duncan Tucker402 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Shellee Schram Donatien728 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Shellie Crawford Beane1012 Holton Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sherell Nicole Matthews301 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sherri Barnes Gilbert522 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sherrill Johnson Allred1004 Oakhurst Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Shirley Ann Lawrence Kroohs700 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Skylar Shay Jones800 Carrick Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Smedes Ayers Lindner898 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sompong Inthavong404 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sonja Demetrius Moore941 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sophia Marie Brown1005 Wickliff Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Spencer Elliott Stricklin509 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stacey Harris Branson624 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stacey Marie Field405 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stacy Anderson Yow1110 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Stacy Sechrest Pranger709 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stephanie Cashion Beaver407 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stephanie Christine McGovern912 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stephanie Drew Montgomery1112 Vera Court, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stephanie Gibson Cosper1001 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stephanie Tutton Ross509 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stephanie Williams Edwards1050 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stephany Steed Chavis611 Delmont Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stephen Allen Moran211 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stephen Bierce Giles1307 Woodland Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stephen Kevin York1001 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stephen Randall Mabry406 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stephen Walter Perez1015 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Steve Babor Boquiron503 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Steven Daniel McCurdy217 N Lindsay Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Steven Drew Doxtad211 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Steven Everett Block502 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Steven Fredrick Chapman1205 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Steven Lance Braxton521 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Steven Michael Nelson1016 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Steven Thomas Sikkenga900 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Stuart Martin Smith620 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sue Ann Iott802 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sue Hailey Howell908 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sue Y. Kurtz1213 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sumner Slane Finch1204 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan Barber Culp903 Forest Hill Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan Cox Clark716 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan Gail Hughes621 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan H. Heard710 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan Harris Connor511 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan Hatton Rostand1310 Woodland Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan Hendrix Hedrick530 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan Koonce Hinnant709 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan Marie Walton705 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan Michele Johnston87 Hillcrest Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan Russell Bland633 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan S. Ruddock1337 Westchester Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan Smith Cheek623 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan Stemples Harman1214 Woodland Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Susan Styron Kaley1008 Elk Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Suzan Graham Greeson505 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sydney Hutchison Johnson806 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sydney Nicole Harris1012 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Sydney Nicole Wells1105 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Syed Sakhawat Hussain Shah609 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tamera Cherry Lewis1106 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tamika Ladondra Tatum506 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Tamra Pharr Rollins301 Totera Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tanner Diehl Harron1014 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tanveer Khan504 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tara Dolan Elliott303 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tara Lea Morgan301 Woodbrook Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tatum Charlotte Murrow1306 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Tera Shae Thomas718 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Teresa Dawne Ilderton616 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Terrell Christopher Gary611 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Terrell George Allen1001 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Terry C. Cox806 Delmont Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Terry Hamm Coleman916 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Terry Lee Currie401 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Terry Lee Garman1200 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Terry Lee Hamilton607 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Teryn Leighanne Greenway807 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Theresa Ann Bays631 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Thomas Anthony Passaro630 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Thomas Carlyle Langley704 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Thomas Dean McGhee403 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Thomas Eugene Terrell529 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Thomas John Siebold1009 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Thomas Lauder1114 Vera Court, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Thomas Leonard Mobley111 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Tierra Chantel Hayes211 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tifanie Amber Webb81 Hillcrest Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tiffany Daneal Paris605 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Tiffany Marie McKenzie-Workman1027 Wellington Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Timothy Allen Galli503 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Timothy Craig Kiziah715 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Timothy Dwain Gilbert603 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Timothy Horace Ilderton608 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Timothy Jerome Monroe1003 N Main Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Timothy Langley Elliott613 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Timothy Lee Kiefer602 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Timothy Mcray Pait517 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Timothy Paul Isom712 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Timothy Randall Allred1004 Oakhurst Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Timothy Ray Oliver115 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Timothy Ray Yates701 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Timothy Scott Royal601 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tina Marie Church113 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Todd Christopher Gosnell924 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Toni Pauline Woodgeard1101 Council Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Toni Yvette Bennett523 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tony Brian Garrison520 Gatewood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tony Lee Wallace Fuller409 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Torrey Deshaun Lowe416 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tracey Dunn Tucker714 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tracy Hayes Bulla713 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tracy Long Fink1209 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tracy Lynn Gosnell924 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tracy Lynn Lovette814 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Travis Jeremy Spires619 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Travis Juan Purnell303 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Travis Scott Wilson1015 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tristyn Jessica-faith Wiedenhoft619 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Troy Allen Li-Barber705 Rockford Road, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Truman Bennett707 N Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tyler John Weggel1000 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tyrell Lashawn Scott312 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tyrone Daevolie Oliver903 Ferndale Boulevard, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Tysha Bryson Williams711 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Velva Quinn Yurko707 Delmont Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Vernon Anthony Weaks102 Chestnut Drive, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Veronica Latishia Powell117 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Versa Tillman Page211 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Vickie Kiziah Gulledge312 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Victoria Leigh Caldwell812 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Victoria Nixon Bailess322 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Virginia Lynne Brewer806 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Wah Fai Leung1205 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Walter Dennis Brewer913 Trenton Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Wayne Stewart Rudin306 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
Wei-Chen Lin1205 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Wendy Dawn Browning508 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Wendy Lynn Fuscoe1103 Elk Place, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Wendy Melissa Mattocks801 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Whitney Brigman Heard1207 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Whitney Carmen Self1105 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Bryant Early801 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Burton Levina802 Arbordale Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Carroll Heard1207 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Dale Burgess315 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William David Millis1300 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William David Mitchell501 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Douglas Connor511 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Edward Hutchinson707 Florham Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Flynn Ruth616 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Joseph Osterholt635 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Didn't Vote
William Mark Ray607 Sunset Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Martin Cline609 W Farriss Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Oscar Petty207 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William R. Owings701 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Ralph Savage421 Otteray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Snow Bencini916 Fairway Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Steven Lane630 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Travis Carter601 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
William Tyler Earnst610 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Willow M. Nixon309 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Win Shwe408 W Ray Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Woodrow Samuel Brown607 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Woodrow Thomas Southards503 Colonial Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Wui Ying Leung1205 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Yatwah Leung1205 W Westwood Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Zachary Lee Owens800 W Parkway Avenu, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Zannie Thomas Witherspoon101 Oakwood Street, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Zoe Margaret Schroeder900 Quaker Lane, High Point, NC 27262Voted
Zoey Maylyn Leck902 N Rotary Drive, High Point, NC 27262Voted



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